News Archive

Virtual COLA (Celebration of Learning Assembly)

Welcome to our first Virtual Celebration of Learning Assembly. There are so many amazing things happening in our virtual classrooms. We wanted to recognize and celebrate some of the wonderful work that has been created during remote learning.

Thank you to Brentwood Park Elementary and @jendelvechhio for the inspiration.

Music: Students have been composing their own music using Song Maker.  Listen to this great piece by Yoel in Div. 3. – submitted by Ms. Fiero






Division 9: This book was created with photos and words from students as they went outside to look for signs of spring. – submitted by Ms. Dyckowski


Division 7: Students were invited to write poems for Poetry Month including a poem for Mother’s Day using just one colour to describe the person they were writing about. – submitted by Ms. Berezowski






Division 5: This imovie chronicles events in Division 5’s classroom community over the past six weeks.- submitted by Ms. Yapp.






Division 3: Students responded to a Mrs. Araujo’s recorded read aloud of Sometimes I feel like a Fox by Danielle Daniel with their own animal poems. These poems were written by Kyle.  – submitted by Ms. Sian








Division 1: For Earth Day students wrote poems and created beautiful art work.  – submitted by Ms. Borgenstrom