Dear South Slope Families:
It is hard to believe that we have arrived at the end of a unique school year. At this time, we don’t know exactly what September will look like for your child. It will be very important to pay attention to the news and to the School District’s website ( ) to keep up to date on information. We are looking at some tentative planning for the first week of school in September. The plan for now is to have your child report to their current classroom in the fall. As September unfolds and we receive direction from the Ministry of Education, it is my hope that things will be clarified. We ask for your continued patience as the pandemic plans unfold further.
I am excited to introduce Ms. Lindsay Holliday to our community as South Slope’s new Principal! Ms. Holliday has taught in the Burnaby School District for 15 years as a classroom teacher and has been a Head Teacher in the District for the past 8 years. She will be coming to South Slope from Second Street Community school and brings a wealth of experience and knowledge to her new role of Principal. Ms. Holiday is very excited to be joining the South Slope/BCSD Community and I know that she will be a great school leader!
We look forward to welcoming Ms. Hinestrosa back in the fall as she will be returning from her maternity leave. Ms. Berezowski will be moving to Edmonds Community as a Grade 2/3 teacher in September. We will miss her at South Slope. I want to thank her for doing such an excellent job with Division 7 this year. Ms. Mckee will also be working at a new job and we thank her for having joined us on Wednesday’s.
Students, staff and parents, I have learned so much from all of you. This was my first official administrative position and it was here where I was able to truly understand the importance of togetherness and teamwork. While I look forward to the challenges of a new position, I am sorry to be leaving. I will be forever grateful for this opportunity. Right now, we are all too busy for goodbyes, but please know that I will miss this community very much.
With respect,
Maria Perez