News Archive

South Slope’s Remembrance Day 2020 virtual event

As with all events this year, our Remembrance Day Assembly will be different in many ways. 

However, both South Slope and BCSD will be involved in a virtual assembly that will take place on Tuesday, November 10, 2020,  at 10:30 am. 

Both schools will be producing a video that will honour all the brave people from our past, as well as look towards building a more peaceful world for all. 

All students will be given a poppy for our virtual assembly on Tuesday, November 10, 2020. Out of respect for all our service men and women, we ask that students attend school that day in their white tops, and dark pants/skirts/tights.  They will be watching our assembly from their classrooms, but will be participating in O Canada, and our moment of silence.  It would be nice to have all students dress as if we were in a “live” assembly.

Poppies:  Poppies have again been dropped off by the Legion.  We ask that if you wish to donate towards the Veterans causes, you can send your child a donation in an envelope, or small plastic baggy.  Teachers will collect these and send them to the office.

Thank you for your continued support!  Wednesday, November 11, 2020, Students do not attend school.

About southslopeadmin

South Slope Elementary ~ Secretary