News Archive

Information on the Return to School January 10th

Dear South Slope Families, Thank you for your patience this week while we worked to digest all the information that has been coming at us, prepared our school for the next phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, and took care of […]

Dear South Slope Families,

Thank you for your patience this week while we worked to digest all the information that has been coming at us, prepared our school for the next phase of the Covid-19 pandemic, and took care of the few students who were with us this first week back.

We are looking forward to opening our doors to all students on Monday, January 10th. In preparation for that, please read the attached letter as it outlines important information about what to expect going forward, specifically around “functional closures”.

As well, we have changed our school day hours slightly to accommodate a staggered entry/dismissal schedule in order to reduce crowding:

Daily Schedule
Staggered Schedule
Div. 1- Ms. Borgenstrom
Div. 3- Ms. Van Essen
Div.4- Ms. Yapp
Div.5- Ms. Noble
Div.6- Ms. Cole


Start Time: 8:45am
Dismissal: 2:45pm (1:45pm on Wednesdays)
Regular Schedule
Div. 2- Ms. Hollingworth
Div. 7- Ms. Hinestrosa
Div. 8- Ms. Dyczkowski
Div. 9- Ms. Berezowski


Start Time: 9:00am
Dismissal: 3:00pm
(2:00pm on Wednesdays)

Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.  Have a great weekend and thank you, again, for all your support.

Lindsay Holliday

Principal, South Slope Elementary

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South Slope Elementary ~ Secretary