A heartfelt thank you from the Me to We group!!  This year, with your support we raised over $1000 through candygrams, bake sales and the coin toss.  The students decided they wanted to buy goats for families in Tanzania.   Among other things, Tanzanians primarily use the milk for nourishment and to sell to other families for money to help send their kids to school.  Education is so important.   The students also sold Rafikis right before Christmas to support the “mamas” in Kenya.  Again the money made goes towards educating children in Kenya and supporting other opportunities.  Lastly, at the beginning of the year we did a fantastic food drive for our local food bank. We received a wonderful letter of appreciation so we know the food was much appreciated!

We could not have done all of this without your support. 

We THANK you!!

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Image Thank you from Me to We

About southslopeadmin

South Slope Elementary ~ Secretary