News Archive

Elf Walk ~ Dec. 4th & 6th


There are just a few weeks until Christmas!  We are in the midst of preparing for our annual Elf Walk, an event that will help a variety of charitable organizations.  

The Elf Walk is essentially a food drive involving the community which surrounds South Slope/BCSD School and will be organized in part by our leadership students. The Elf Walk is made up of three events:  Distribution of Flyers (Dec. 4th 12:30 pm -2:00 pm),  Collection of Food (Dec. 6th 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm),  Packaging of Food (Dec. 6th 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm).

We need your assistance to make this campaign a success. On Dec. 6th we will need parents to help with the collection of the food. Some parents will be needed to follow individual classes in their vehicles to collect the food. Other parents will be needed to box the food in the gymnasium. 

Parents are also welcome to join us when we distribute the flyers on December 4th.   Please come out and listen to the jingling of the bells as the students deliver flyers in the community!

 Notices are being sent home November 25th asking for parent volunteers, if you can assist with either job, please complete the tear off section below and return to your child’s teacher by Friday, Nov. 29th.  or call the school, Ms. Verlaan  at 604-296-9062 or email:

Thank you,

Ms. Perez, Principal

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South Slope Elementary ~ Secretary