Principal’s Message

At South Slope Elementary and BC School for the Deaf, staff, students, and parents of the Deaf and hearing communities work together in a stimulating and nurturing learning environment.  We believe that education is a lifelong process and that all children can learn and thrive when they feel a sense of belonging and are valued.

The South Slope School Plan highlights Literacy learning.  Our goal is to improve student achievement K-7 in reading comprehension by:

  • Providing structures and implementing initiatives that support early intervention for students that are not yet meeting or approaching expectations in reading.
  • Differentiating student learning so that students are able to respond to reading in a variety of ways.

If you would like more information about South Slope Elementary or BC School for the Deaf, please contact the school at 604-296-9062

Mrs. Sonia Maglio,  Principal, South Slope Elementary   

Mrs. Catherine Bennett,  Principal, BC School for the Deaf